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How do you say 'ldquo 讨论 rdquo' in English?

2024-11-06 13:29:14



How do you say 'ldquo 讨论 rdquo' in English? 1


1. Discuss


We discussed the plan for the next project.


Let's discuss this matter further over lunch.


2. Talk About


We talked about the new movie last night.


Let's talk about your future plans.



1. Debate


They debated the pros and cons of the new policy.


The class debated the issue of whether homework should be banned.


2. Deliberate


The board deliberated on the budget for the next fiscal year.


The committee deliberated the proposal before making a decision.


3. Conference


We held a conference to discuss the new marketing strategy.


The two countries are in conference to discuss the trade agreement.


4. Exchange Views


We exchanged views on the future direction of the company.


During the meeting, they exchanged views on how to improve productivity.



1. 课堂讨论

在课堂上讨论问题时,你可以说:“We're having a class discussion on the topic of climate change.”(我们正在就气候变化这个话题进行课堂讨论。)

如果你想让老师组织一次讨论,可以说:“Can we have a discussion about this problem, professor?”(教授,我们能讨论一下这个问题吗?)

2. 工作会议

在工作会议上,讨论通常更加正式和结构化。你可以说:“Let's start the meeting with a discussion on the quarterly report.”(咱们先讨论一下季度报告吧。)

当你想提出一个讨论点时,可以说:“I'd like to bring up a point for discussion: the efficiency of our workflow.”(我想提出一个讨论点:我们工作流程的效率。)

3. 家庭聚会

在家庭聚会上,讨论通常更加随意和轻松。你可以说:“We were discussing the family reunion plans for next year.”(我们正在讨论明年的家庭聚会计划。)

如果你想引导话题,可以说:“How about we discuss what we're all thankful for this year?”(要不我们聊聊今年都感激什么吧?)

4. 社交媒体

在社交媒体上,讨论通常是以帖子、评论或私信的形式进行的。你可以说:“I posted something on my blog for discussion: the future of remote work.”(我在博客上发了一篇文章供大家讨论:远程工作的未来。)

当你看到某个话题引起兴趣时,可以说:“Let's have a discussion in the comments about your favorite books!”(咱们在评论区讨论一下你最喜欢的书吧!)
